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Small Excavator

产品/服务: SmallExcavator 
单 价: 面议  询价
供货总量: 100 Kg
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2011-02-15
浏览次数: 435
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    发布供求信息 推广企业产品
    建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意
    Brief Introduction:HONGDA series of multi-functional small hydraulic excavators is widely used at all kinds of construction sites such as those of road construction, municipal works, pipe networks, landscape works and water conservancy projects. Equipped with working devices like breakers, the excavator has excellent performance that can meet your various needs in special working conditions and construction environments and smooth away all your worries.

    Power System:

    Equipped with the engineering diesel engine tailor-made for excavators, HONGDA series of small hydraulic excavators have stable performance, strong power and classic configuration. They are equipped with famous-brand diesel engines made in China or world-famous diesel engines imported with original packaging.

    Hydraulic System:

    Equipped with the worlds top-class hydraulic pump, main valve, traveling motor and slewing motor, the hydraulic system shows good quality and stable performance, which enables the whole system to run smoothly. The hydraulic system adopts a three-pump and three-loop design, equipped with the constant power variable control and the flow limiter control through a third pump (gear pump), which gives full play to the engine power.

    Drivers Cab:

    The all-closed and low-noise cab is eye-pleasing and elegant with roominess and brightness. The front top window can be opened for better vision and ventilation. The adjustable chair can meet various using demands. The cab is equipped with an air-conditioner which greatly improves the operating environment, lessens the drivers tiredness and heightens the work efficiency.

    HONGDAs Home-made Parts:

    Equipped with HONGDAs home-made parts, the machine has a compact overall structure and is easy to move from place to place. It can be used together with deflecting devices and is very suitable for work in narrow places. It can also be used together with various auxiliary devices to accomplish various tasks such as digging, smashing, dredging, trenching and bulldozing.
    Main Technical Parameters

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