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bauma China(上海宝马展)2012:观众在线预登记开通,精彩体验邀您共享

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-07-26 摊铺机网
-          观众在线预登记现已开通www.b-china.cn
-          预登记观众免费进场;现场登记50元门票尽享4天盛宴
-          展示面积、展商数量再创新高
-          最新技术产品、行业趋势动向尽在把握
炎炎夏日,热情四射,bauma China(上海宝马展)2012的各项准备工作开展得如火如荼、稳中有序。招展工作接近尾声,室外展位图已经发布,室内展位图即将于7月底开始分馆对外公布。本届展会在大家的大力支持下,虽然对室内馆进行了扩充,但是依然出现了供不应求的情况,主办方为了让所有报名企业都能在这个行业楚翘云集的平台中亮剑,通过各种方式提高新国际博览中心的使用率。但是截至日前还有企业依然在等待展位。在此,主办方对所有支持bauma China(上海宝马展)的企业表示衷心的感谢,也会继续尽力满足更多企业的参展愿望。到目前为止,全球观展咨询电话不断,行业巨头与企业新秀翘首以盼,期望在2012年11月27-30日上海新国际博览中心33万多平米(2010年23万平)的超大展示空间,领略全球40个国家和地区的近2700家(2010年1850家)展商风采,尽览行业各个领域的最新优势产品与服务,结识行业领袖、对话企业高层、洞悉行业风向。
虽然现在中国工程机械厂家开始步入国际市场,但是拥有完全自主知识产权的企业依然不多。大量中国企业仍然是处于组装阶段,缺乏核心技术,行业进入的门槛很低,行业繁荣的表象下是克隆产品横行的市场。而由产品同质化引发的价格战,也从装载机向挖掘机甚至起重设备蔓延。这不仅不利于行业发展,还给行业的健康成长埋下了隐患。2012年是中国企业进军海外的一年,三一收购了PUTZMEISTER,徐工实现和Schwing的结合,柳工收购波兰Huta Stalowa Wola公司。完成收购后如何磨合来实现文化和企业管理的融合,如何实现真正的自主创新,将是bauma China(上海宝马展)2012最值得探索的课题之一。
现在观众在线预登记已经开通,您可以通过登录展会官网www.b-china.cn的预登记系统,进行展会免费参观注册。一方面,您可直接凭预登记确认函现场换取胸卡进入,缩短进场时间;另一方面,本届展会首次实施门票收费制度,每人在展期4天的参观费用为50元,但您可以通过观众在线预登记免去参观费用,轻松参与本届行业盛会。bauma China(上海宝马展)2012期待您的加入!
bauma China 2012 Online visitor pre-registration has opened
-          Online visitor pre-registration has opened, please visit: www.b-china.cn.
-          Pre-registered visitors have the privilege of free badge, while onsite registration will be charged 50RMB for 4-day visit.
-          Exhibition area and exhibitor quantity have made new record.
-          The latest technologies, products, trends will be released.
The preparatory work of bauma China 2012 is carried out in full swing. Exhibitor registration has been closed. The outdoor floor plan has been released and the end of this July will see the final indoor floor plan. Although the organizer has expanded the indoor exhibition area, it still cannot meet all the exhibitors’ need. In order to make all exhibitors have space to showcase themselves on this industry platform, the organizer has racked the brain to improve the utilization rate. However, some enterprises are still in the waiting line for booth. Hereby, the organizer would like to extend the sincere gratitude to all the enterprises that give bauma China constant support, and will try our best to fulfill the exhibiting companies’ expectation. Until now, the phones calls from global visitors are coming in increasingly day by day. The industry tycoons as well as newcomers have highly expected to meet the exhibitors of nearly 2,700 (2010: 1,850) from 40 countries and regions, on the 330,000 sqm (2012: 230,000) exhibition area of Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 27-30 Nov, 2012, appreciate the new technologies and services, communicate with industry leaders and understand the industry developing trend.
Compared with last show, for bauma China 2012, the situation that many cross-industry enterprises of China swarm into construction machinery has not changed. This indicates that China economy is in the period of transition, and the investment goes to the industry with low barriers to entry and relatively high profit. However, China construction machinery is a highly opened-up industry. So far, construction machinery enterprises, big or small, are keen on investment. Hidden behind is the crisis whether the profits are able to have sustained growth. bauma China 2012 has not opened yet, but the market has given us a strong feeling about the trend of China enterprises’ international mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and cooperation. Domestic construction machinery accelerates the industry reshuffle, international enterprises speed up the expansion of Chinese business—all show that many enterprises still reckon on the big national investment. But the essence of developing China construction machinery sustainably is to strengthen the independent technology innovation, upgrade the product and process, and eliminate backward capacity.
Although China construction machinery manufacturer has started to access international market, the number of enterprises with independent intellectual property rights is few. A lot of Chinese enterprises are in the assembly phase. They are lack of core technology, with low barrier to enter the industry. Under the superficial prosperity of industry is the market glutted with clone products. The homogenization of products causes price war. This is not conducive to the development of industry development, but also has hidden danger risking the industry’s health. The beginning of 2012 witnessed China enterprises expanding overseas market: Sany acquired Putzmeister, the Liugong acquired Huta Stalowa Wola, XCMG invested in Schwing. How to achieve the integration of company culture and management after acquisition; how to realize independent innovation and access to global market will be one of the hot topics in bauma China 2012.
Now the visitor online pre-registration has opened. You can log in www.b-china.cn to register for free entry. On the one hand, you can exchange the badge with pre-registration confirmation letter to shorten the queue time. On the other hand, bauma China 2012 for the first time implements the ticket fee system. Each of 4-day exhibition visit costs 50 RMB, but it is totally free of charge for online pre-registered visitors. Welcome to join bauma China 2012.
More exhibition information, please visit www.b-china.cn.
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