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bauma China 2012 十载历练,强势迸发

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-03-20 摊铺机网

bauma China 2012中国国际工程机械、建材机械、工程车辆及设备博览会,将于20121127-30日在上海新国际博览中心重磅登场。本届展会十年磨一剑,展示空间再次扩张,覆盖整个上海新国际博览中心的30万室内外区域,为更多参展企业提供了充分展示的机会。自招展工作全面展开以来,国内外工程机械和建筑行业及其产业链厂商大力支持、参展热情高涨。截止2012315日,报名展商数已达2,143家,超出bauma
China 2010

China 2012

国内外业界领军企业悉数报到,新老展商踌躇满志,希望在bauma China展会现场一展风采、捕获商机。2012年初,工程机械行业的几次大动作掀起全球整合浪潮,国际巨头公司和国内龙头企业都开始重新思考定位,实现并购重组,开拓海外市场。在工程机械市场走出井喷式爆发,回归冷静发展时期后,企业除了勤练内功,提高产品技术创新,还可以寻求怎样的发展点在工程机械行业稳中求进,bauma China 2012展会现场将为您揭示行业现状及行业发展风向。行业盛会,敬待您莅临探讨!
bauma China 2012的各项展会筹备工作正在紧锣密鼓地进行,承载着广大展商与业界人士的信任与期待,主办方会秉承一贯的办展理念,促进最新技术和产品的展示和交流,为展商和观众搭建直接交流的平台,相信bauma China 2012凭借十载的行业积累与专注,将会强势迸发,再铸成就。

bauma China
2012-Ten Years’ Development Achieves Greater Success

bauma China 2012 will hold the grand show
for construction industry in Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) from 27 to 30 November 2012. This year witnesses
the 10th anniversary of bauma China, which makes great
breakthrough to expand the exhibition area to 300,000 sqm, covering all the
outdoor and indoor space of SNIEC. This offers more opportunities for
exhibitors to showcase their companies and products. Since the exhibitor
application is in full wing, bauma China 2012 has won strong support and enthusiasm
of many construction machinery suppliers at home and abroad. Until 15 March
2012, 2,143 exhibitors have applied to join, more than 1,858 exhibitors of
bauma China 2010.

At present, a lot of enterprises continue
to apply to bauma China 2012. Hereby the organizer would like to deliver
sincere gratitude for all the enterprises’ constant support. We are taking
initiative to allocate the booths. However, the applying areas have exceeded
the total exhibition space, which toughens the booth arrangement. We hope to
get your understanding and will finish the booth arrangement in August. We will
do our best to satisfy all the exhibitors.

The leading enterprises at home and broad
have confirmed to join. New and old exhibitors expect to fully showcase their
new products to catch potential customers. At the beginning of 2012, the
international and domestic giants in construction machinery industry have made
crucial actions and initiate a global wave of consolidation. Many enterprises
start to reposition, realize acquisition to expand overseas markets. After the
construction machinery getting out of roaring development and into calm period,
what kinds of solutions, except internal build-up and product innovation, can
help enterprises develop smoothly? bauma China 2012 will reveal the industry
status and development trend onsite. Warmly welcome to visit and discuss!

All the exhibition work of bauma China 2012
is underway as planned. With the trust and expectation of all exhibitors and
professionals, the organizer will insist on its exhibition concept, to promote
the latest technology and products and build the direct communication platform
for exhibitors and visitors. We believe that bauma China 2012, having 10 years’
industry accumulation and concentration, will make new breakthrough and achieve
sustainable success.

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