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bauma China 2012且看中国工程机械海外并购风起云涌

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China 2012
将不可阻挡地反映出中国工程机械海外并购的热潮。就在1月31日晚间,柳工与波兰工程机械企业Huta Stalowa Wola公司(以下简称“HSW”)签署了关于该公司工程机械业务单元项目《最终收购协议》,柳工关于收购HSW公司工程机械业务单元项目已完成。这意味着柳工将以此为平台辐射欧美市场。而徐工与施维英是否也能喜结连理?

三一重工和普茨迈斯特究竟如何完成各自的市场定位,并购后企业各自市场如何宣传,2012工程机械市场风云变化,产品链不断拉长,资金风起云涌。且看bauma China

bauma China 2012 - Overseas Acquisition Surge in China
Construction Machinery Industry

On 30 Jan 2012, SANY, the largest
construction machinery manufacturer, and Putzmeister, the famous German
professional manufacturer, announced together in Germany: they have agreed to merge
after regulatory review. SANY and CITIC PE will spend Euro 360 million to have
100% holding in Putzmeister. And SANY will pay Euro 324 million (about RMB 2.654
billion), covering 90% holding. This transaction is supposed to be done in the
first quarter of 2012.

largest construction machinery manufacturer in China merges the well-known German
professional manufacturer in concrete pump, which inspires and means a lot to
construction machinery industry. It indicates that China development of machinery
manufacturing will more focus on expanding overseas market; managing and
technical level is catching up with the advanced international standards.

China 2012 is a great opportunity to witness the new changes in construction
machinery and reflect the overseas acquisition trend. Just after the
acquisition of SANY and Putzmeister, on 31 Jan 2012, LiuGong Machinery Co.,
Ltd. and Polish construction machinery enterprise Huta Stalowa Wola (short for
Acquisition Agreement
in terms of the construction
machinery unit business. LiuGong has done this deal, which means LiuGong will
take this as platform to enter European and American market. Moreover, what
about the acquisition between XCMG and Schwing?

will SANY and Putzmeister define their market positioning respectively? How
will they process their marketing after acquisition? 2012 witnesses the surging
changes in construction machinery, product chain extending, indefinite funds.
To answer these questions and uncover the industry trends, welcome to bauma
China 2012! It will be held the 6th time in Shanghai New
International Expo Centre on 27-30 Nov 2012, to fully showcase the valuable
results of acquisition in construction machinery industry. At present, the
booth reservation is in full wing and 15 Feb 2012 will be the due time for the
first round application. Welcome to join!

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